I guess what Disney did worked cause I haven’t heard of it before this. It was also a Nice Stay Home And Watch Disney Movies Mask COVID-19 Shirt very terrible movie and not worth attention. It was very forgettable. All I remember is a family and Siemens everywhere. I generally like to find something good to say about even the worst movies, but this one was just so strangely bad. Maybe I just didn’t understand it, but I really didn’t like anything about that movie.
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I saw it a few years ago and I don’t remember anything about it other than it was shot in black and Nice Stay Home And Watch Disney Movies Mask COVID-19 Shirt white. So they really needed the controversy of being sued to get anywhere and were denied that sweet sweet karma. Funnily though the movie ends with a very weird disease which is about to become a pandemic.
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Imagine making a movie so bad that even Disney doesn’t bother to sue you for violating their copyrights and Nice Stay Home And Watch Disney Movies Mask COVID-19 Shirt trademarks despite you blatantly doing that. Wow that hard to wrap my head around. I mean even porn rarely fucks with Disney, not to mention private artists doing spinoffs/crossovers of Disney characters get cease and desist letters.
Other products: Mickey Mouse Forget Me Not Fibromyalgia Awareness Shirt.
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