“You look like a homeless pencil” best line from that whole show. When Nick wears the horrible tracksuit and plays the dead dad card when people diss it lol. I feel like Schmidt was the clear “best” character in the April Girls 2020 The One Where They Were Quarantined Funny Birthday 2020 Shirt. But Nick Miller and Winston got so much better and matched, surpassed him. I can’t believe Schmidt isn’t more people’s favorite character. He’s one of my top favorite fictional characters ever written. Everything that dude says makes me lose my shit.
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My girlfriend wanted me to watch it. But we don’t often see eye to eye on the April Girls 2020 The One Where They Were Quarantined Funny Birthday 2020 Shirt. She had it on beside me once and I was laughing so hard. I’ve been through the show like 4 times now, aside from the last season which I still have not finished. “Seriously weird, but in a fantastic way” That’s how I feel about Winnie. Nick is my favorite, but most of my top tier laughs were from Schmidt and the Bish. The crack cocaine scene is one of the funkiest Schmidt+Winnie scenes. Also, Schmidt disparaging Winston for being terrible at puzzles.
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At one point my son was grunting and obviously needed to sit on the potty. But when I paused it, he lost his goddamn mind. So I pulled an April Girls 2020 The One Where They Were Quarantined Funny Birthday 2020 Shirt. So he can watch Spider-Man while he poops. It worked great. The only problem is now he wants to watch every time he uses the bathroom and then won’t ever leave the bathroom. I sent my request in… hopefully Jake sees it. It would make my son really happy and I kinda need a win right about now.
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